My first experience with internet connected TVs

Posted on January 4, 2011


Since we also sell inventory on connected TVs I decided to get myself a new TV. When choosing a TV I go for looks:) So now I have a Philips internet connected TV, very pretty:-). I love it. I have been without TV (I hardly dare to tell this) for the past 6 months but now it is there on the wall. All the functionality you can dream of and suits the rest of my digital home perfectly.


But, most importantly, it was connected (wireless actually) and the other day I tried this out for the first time. It takes a minute to set up, very easy and once online you have about 40 applications to choose from, pretty impressive. Much less than for example in Germany, but a good start knowing that within 3-5 years all TVs will be connected, take my word for it!The usual suspects are there, YouTube, DailyMotion, eBay but also others that you would hardly expect, like Ving, Svensk Fastighetsförmedling, SL, Volkswagen, and Väderradar.

I found my favourite right away, I-concerts and the first I stumbled upon was a kick-ass concert with Kanye West!

So far all well but now I wanted to impress my wife and I rented my first movie, Inception, the other day from Film2home. It took me half an hour to register. But then everything worked fine, the movie came up, great quality, but, after half an hour, then the buffering started and pretty much ruined all of our evening. Watch 5 minutes, bugger for 1-2 minutes. And when we had endured almost all of the movie, 20 minutes left maybe, then it crashed or something and the movie started all over! Now when analyzing it, I should have started “downloading” it a lot earlier that day, but that somewhat ruins the experience. Too bad I can´t get more than 4 mb/s where I live…